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春季雨後草綠氣息散去,在小洋房窗邊喝一杯暖花茶;午後放晴,推開白色木門踏進前庭的英式花園,沐浴於潮濕芳郁的花香。 門楣邊掛著的橙葉與花釋出辛澀,迎面的水份揉合玫瑰與紫丁香的粉質花香。


花與雨的組合帶你走過鋪滿紫橙紅花瓣的園,讓草上的水珠沾濕你的腳踝,旋轉感受柔媚的風,像蝶穿梭在花間。 躺在樹下陽光微乾的草地看書,院裡的水喉灑著水;讓美麗沾透你的裇衫,淋一個花香浴。


Yearning for a little seasonal after-rain sweetness in spring? Leave your little cottage and british garden. Shower in the luxurious blend of moisture and powdery florality before you go.


Opening with neroli and petitgrain spice at your front steps, welcome the aquatic air with a rich sweet floral blend of roses and lilac. Bathe in the garden and let it wash through your hair. The base note of clean musk adds a dense hint of unforgettableness in it. Soak yourself in the rose-purple petal spa: a spring breeze.

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